Carbon Clean head back to Birmingham!

Carbon Clean headed back to Birmingham recently for the new UK Garage & Bodyshop Event and what an incredible turn out we had!

The UK Garage and Bodyshop Event is a new, dedicated event for the Automotive Garage and Bodyshop sector. It focused on engaging, educating and influencing Garage and Bodyshop owners, technicians, and garage specialists as they seek to adapt to the rapidly changing nature of the industry.

The UK Garage and Bodyshop Event is a new, dedicated event for the garage and bodyshop sector. It will provide a focused opportunity to engage, educate and influence garage and bodyshop owners, technicians, and specialists as they seek to adapt to the rapidly changing nature of the industry.

At the show we showcased a range of our automotive environmental technology including:

Carbon Clean love visiting new shows and meeting many new and existing faces. All of our equipment gained a fantastic response from the visitors at the show. If, unfortunately, you weren’t at the show you can view our wide range of products online at .

Alternatively, you can contact our team directly to find out more about our automotive environmental technology.

Call: 0203 507 0175