New Approved Carbon Clean Centre on the Carbon Clean network – Stanton

Carbon Clean, a renowned company helping workshops and engineers to tackle the common carbon build-up problem in vehicles, have recently brought on new and approved Carbon Clean Centre in Stanton.
Needham Analysis Ltd joined as a Carbon Clean Centre in Stanton on 9th August.
This Carbon Clean Centre will deliver 30 minute treatments to eradicate accumulated carbon deposits, prolonging engine life. As a consequence, carbon build-up leads to a large inefficiency in engines resulting in loss of power, torque, MPG, throttle response as well as more noise and vibration.
As a clean and efficient alternative to introducing harsh chemicals or expensive additives, Carbon Clean’s technology uses electrolysis to produce a highly charged Oxy-hydrogen (HHO) gas mixture. This is delivered into the engine through the air filter to clean the internal surfaces by enabling both improved combustion and through the catalytic benefits of hydrogen in breaking down the deposits.
With this revolutionary technology delivering a professional workshop solution, both centres now have the arsenal to help customers get the old engine ‘purr’ back – at a 100% success rate.
Needham Analysis, run by Suffolk based entrepreneur Roy Baker offer performance remapping and tuning within an assortment of businesses. On top of electronic adjustment of engine parameters, Roy can now offer customers a physical clean as well to ensure a full engine performance upgrade.
“We’re delighted to welcome Carbon Clean Centre Stanton,” said Chris Phipps, National Sales Manager. “Roy quickly recognised the benefits of starting with a clean engine before offering performance upgrades. He’d looked at a range of units but was impressed with the speed, power and simplicity of our CC-16 machine.”
Find more about Carbon Clean Centre Stanton or book your service with them.